Gala Corina IINovember 10 - 12, 2000  art exhibition at 1279 6th Aenue  Ybor City 

©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc  all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino

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An exhibition embodying all facets of artwork from spoken word to sculpture, film, painting, furniture, ceramics, photography, jewelry, architecture, and much more.

A big Thank you to our sponsors:

The artists of the Gala Corina II would like to thank you for your generous contribution and for making this exhibition a tremendous success.

We hope to see you again next year in our quest to bring all of the arts and architecture closer together in our community and into the eyes of the public.

Thank you.

—Mike Calvino   & the Group of the Gala Corina.

To our sponsors of GalaCorinaII 2000:


Holmes Hepner & Associates Architects  (Peter Hepner)

Steve Cooke, Architect.

RS&H Architects  (Nick Sakelariou)

Rowe Architects, Incorporated  (Rick Rowe)

Cooper Johnson Smith Architects  (Steve Smith)

Dennis & Connie Rouse

Zazarac Restaurant

Interface Flooring Systems


Prince Street

Knoll International

The Beaux-Arts Group of Florida, Inc.

Vazmina, Michael & Linda

Beck Construction


Thank you.

—Mike Calvino   & the Group of the Gala Corina.