The Ruskin House:  Glu-Lams & Loft Installation 2004-December Main Beams & Video Summary

©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc  all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino

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The summary (or mostly) video:


Below:  a scale model of the beam pieces to find rigging points and sequence and also to solve the joint which ended up being a huge open mortise and tenon with a pair of 1.5” dia. purpleheart pins with wedges driven in perpendicular to the grain and glued with the resorcinol.  See the next page & scroll down for more details on it,

 . . . forge ahead . . .

Glu-Lams, Install Main beams and video summary


Glu-Lams, Install L-Shapes Loft


Crew: (left to right)


Mike Calvino:  “no really, I think this’ll work”


Mike Rahal . . . “no, I think I’d break it.”


Dave Calvino :  no nonsense, just silly walks


Nhieu Van Dang:  “ok . . . let’s do it.”


Ken Flemming:  “don’t worry ‘bout yer mule goin’ blind, just load yer cart!” . . . steel god . . . walking encyclopedia.


Daniel Currea:  “yea, I’ll get the wood stretcher . . . where is it?


Al Scott :  “I’ll bring it to ya.”

Pretty sure this will work . . . ?”

The first beam being lifted out of the main space to set it on the ground for re-rigging.

Certainly some high-tech balancing and counterweight systems . . . Ha!  That bit of extreme common sense came from Ken Fleming!

You can see here the first two W12’s & the first of the two 2” pipe hangers at the left side going up to the Steel Truss that frame the floating loft floor.

Glu-Lams, Install Main beams and video summary


Glu-Lams, Install L-Shapes Loft