The Ruskin House:  Glued Laminated Beams, Fabrication Photos

©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc  all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino

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 . . . forge ahead . . .

They’re getting close—this is like layer 35  of 48 total.

They are beginning to take shape . . . Only 10 layers left!

Ok . . . Here they are  with all layers glued & screwed in place—3 sep 04.

Check out the size of these things . . . 53’ long, 8”wide, & 3 1/2 feet deep! - & that’s just half of the full glu-lam form.

The L-Shapes


These had to be placed with a plan to get them out with a crane when it came time to hang ehem.  With a C-shaped crane spreader bar, it wasa possible to grab the one end from underneath the roof plane, then set them on the ground, and re-rig, then hoist into place.

The final resolution of the “knee-joint” was made from 1/4” 316L stainless steel plate that was cnc plasma cut, then shop welded to form a plate that could screw to the glu-lams and allow a 3” 316L SS pipe to run laterally providing lateral stability and resolving the bending couple forces while allowing the minimum dry bending radius for the cypress at approx. 1/4” thick.

Next we hang the beams . . . It’ll be an operation . .