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A Revolution to Come 


There will be an architectural revolution . . . it has gone on for too long that our surroundings have been defined by “styles”, by the copying of “ism’s” that make a facade, a farce, a mockery of our surroundings. This age of the digital which relies completely on the past for it’s secure sense of “tried and true” creativity . . . its ridiculous “Disney-fication” of things . . .; this society’s utter ignorance in its belief - or lack of – that the outside appearance, the measurable, the finishes are the important issues, is completely and utterly preposterous and must be changed. There are three issues of things that truly count and that make a thing a true reality . . . these are 1, the sense of letting something become what it may (let things develop according to and because of their true nature) . . . to what their inherent properties and qualities are. 2, the existence, in this development, of the intangible sensory projections of the thing that is becoming, that is growing . . . the existence of the spiritual, those things that are beyond the 5 senses that have become known as the only perceptual means that we as human beings have over the past few centuries . . . or more . . . the existence of that intangible force that makes things “feel right”, that force that tells us when bricks are being used in a way that they want to be used. And 3, the giving back of a thing that has developed truly to the first two issues . . . the thing will speak for itself . . . it will have a life of its own . . . it will tell us, through our infinite sensory means, what this thing is . . . it will show us what its purpose, history, and life truly are . . . it will be harmonic . . . it will again touch our souls.

The building industry must be taken back by the master builder . . . the over-inflation of costs are falsely driven up by extreme specialization and by over-digitization of the world at large. The idea that everyone must be a specialist is defeating capitalism . . . there are so many specialties that no one knows the honest cost of anything anymore. The engineer has been the enigma of general society since they “built machines that they can’t control” built that “great big toy” . . . the engineer has been feared, revered, praised, and confused with one who has the overall picture of what our surroundings should be. The engineer is one who is very good at math, problem solving . . . but I challenge the world to ask which people – of the engineers . . . or of anyone – labels aside – have the ability to run the numbers, and to feel what the world is saying to them . . . who has a sense that the world thrives on creativity, on harmonies, and recognizes that there must be a strife for expression, that the existence of the intangible aspects of our world . . . those of art, proportion, beauty, honesty, and integrity are just as important if not more important than just making something work. There are very few like this . . . they may be Architects . . . they may be Engineers . . . this label is not the issue . . . The issue is that of the Master Builder. However, the education of an Architect must become more than an offering of many pathways . . .it must become an honor that is bestowed only on those who are worthy . . . who can express thought, idea, and truth . . . recognize the existence of a universal sense of beauty, harmony, and proportion. And . . . also understand the physics, the derivation of numerical calculations that give one (and all) a confidence about what is about to be manifest . . . in short, the essence of the Architect lies in the person who is both an artist and an engineer . . . a creative, technical person who can dream, express, test, convey, and manifest . . . the Architect must regain the building industry . . . must re-assert the essence . . . the truth of Master Builder!


--mc – 30 January, 2000

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