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On Principals and Principles - M. Calvino, 1999

We must ask what is it to lead . . . to be the first . . . the primary . . . the decision maker of some organization.  The “title” of “principal” must first be one who defines what a thing is about.  One who is a “principal” is one who defines the “principles” of a place.  The definition of these involves a clear discussion or dialog of what the purpose of the organization, or thing is . . . this may be referred to as a “core purpose” . . . also as part of “principles” should be defined “core values”.  The core purpose must define the intent of the organization or thing . . . Core, primary, first . . . eg:  the core purpose is the development of and the practice of the creative process . . .  design . . . manifesting creative ideas . . . and the inherent search for timelessness and beauty.  The core values involve, among others, honesty, integrity, dignity.   Methods of carrying out the core purpose with the core values may involve innovation, “line jumping”, “reframing” and will be done throughout the entire process until each individual project is completed in itself.


So, contrary to the irresponsible connotations of the term “lofty Ideals” the investigation into what a “firm”  . . . or rather a studio is about, and how it operates is completely integral to its sustainability.  This investigation into “principles” is one that must be constantly delved into . . . constantly re-defined . . . and constantly reinforced.  It is something that the work itself must become.  The work itself must ask the questions of where the studio is going.   The investigation must become one with the principles and the process of the work.  This is where “passion” about anything one does comes in.  Anything that is worth doing is worth doing right.


Being passionate about one’s work, holding certain principles, beliefs, truths, and asking investigative, sometimes philosophical/ metaphysical questions does not cost money . . . only thought . . . and it certainly does not mean that any kind of business will lose money.  One should place ideals, values, beliefs, and principles first and should never sacrifice them by compromising good design and the creative process of manifesting an idea.  At some point in one’s life . . . one knows the ideals, the truths, the dreams . . . the unhindered desire to accomplish something meaningful, something poetic . . . something timeless and beautiful.  These are the right intents . . . and in order to get there . . . we must be passionate and stick to our principles!  Only then may we be rewarded with the realization of these ideals, these dreams.  We cannot be afraid!


We were put here on this earth to live our lives by certain truths, beliefs, and to have faith that in sticking to these beliefs, we will succeed in the realization of our dreams.  Our daily and monthly lives that involve bills, time schedules, and obligationa are only a result of the way that we choose to live them . ..  . They are secondary . . . Thney will be provided for . . . We have only to elieve and we can do it . . . Then do it by holding to our beliefs . . . Our principles . . . Our ideals.  We cannot be afraid to take that step . . . That ever dreaded step! . . . We just have to build the solid ground to step onto . . . . Then we will be ok!


“Man’s purpose is to live . . . Not to exist”          —Jack London



—M. Calvino 1999


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