The Ruskin House:  Roof Planes, More photos & photos from Dave Fraser

©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc  all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino

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The Ruskin House

Design Pages

The Guest House

The Main House Construction Index

The Ruskin House book


Roof Planes:, Transport and Photos

Roof Planes:  More photos & photos from Dave Fraser

You can see the aerated autoclaved concrete blocks where the enclosed space will be . . . Insulation.

The photos from here down are through the lens of the late Dave Fraser who was on site the last day of steel hanging for this level.  Cheers Dave!

The Ruskin House

Design Pages

The Guest House

The Main House Construction Index

The Ruskin House book


Roof Planes:, Transport and Photos

Roof Planes:  More photos & photos from Dave Fraser