The Ruskin House: Ground Level Shell |
©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino |
The old-school panorama . . . from the Minolta X700 35mm . . . |
Being that the project is in a high velocity flood zone, the pool had to be integral with the foundation system—the precast concrete piles & the massive grade beams, so the pool shell had to be formed next & 2 of the integral grade beams had to be done in shot-crete when the pool was shot. |
. . . forge ahead . . . |
Embed fabrication of the embeds for the W16 floor plane . . .
Oxy-Acetylene torch cut plate, 2x2x1/4Angle . . . |
Building skyward . . . |