The Ruskin House: Glued Laminated Beams, Install—L-shape Beams |
©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino |
. . . forge ahead . . . |
Here’s how the L-shapes were lifted out from under the upper roof. The key is the C-shape spreader bar to reach under to pick the long leg. The beam section is then set on the ground, re-rigged to hang at the correct angle and is swung into place.
The 1” scale rigging model was the key to this going smoothly. |
. . . aaah, photoshop . . . |
Here’s some more detail on the open mortise joint & the purpleheart pins that join the main 53’ beams to the L-shapes creating the screen space over the pool & deck spaces. Mike Rahal clamps the first pair of beams to be joined. |
My oldest daughter tests out the prototype purpleheart pin/wedge with me for the joint. |
As I warned the owner, the exposed cypress creating the screen space would eventually need replaced because of dry-rot—to be re-created in aluminum . . . A good 10 years later. |