The Ruskin House:  Floor Plane, Concrete Deck

©2025 CALVINO architecture studio, inc  all contents of this publication whether in digital or analog format are the express property of CALVINOarchitecture studio, inc. and shall not be reproduced by any means without written consent from Mike Calvino

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The living level floor right after the concrete pour . . .

 . . . forge ahead . . .

Prep work all in place . . . 5V-crimp sheet metal welded to W16 framing, #3 rebar at 12” o.c.each way

This is key . . . Stainless steel 1/8”x1” flat bar welded to the sheetmetal for crack control of the thin concrete deck.  The curved joint is meant to draw one’s eye on entry to the space through the space and out by the spiral stair toward the water.

Views with prep-work done & prior to main pour

This is the pool equipment platform, above base flood elevation.  A 2” slab with  #3’s at 12” o.c. each way encapsulated by 2” steel channel.  The finish on the bottom of the slab is created with crinkled 6 mil visqueen stapled to the forms.

The framing for the glass entry floor   . . .